Will God Really Forgive Me?
Q: I just got done reading your book, Unashamed, and it was all centered around God and how He can forgive us, but I honestly don’t think that He’d want to forgive me for all the things I’ve done…
Where Teen Girls Find Answers
Q: I just got done reading your book, Unashamed, and it was all centered around God and how He can forgive us, but I honestly don’t think that He’d want to forgive me for all the things I’ve done…
Q: I was sitting near some guys at lunch and they were asking each other if they had lost their, um, “purity,” and who they lost it with. Why do guys brag about that and try to make it sound cool?
Q: My boyfriend is not a virgin, but I am, and every time we talk on the phone he talks about how the next time we see each other he wants to have sex with me…
Q: I’m a virgin and I’m going to stay that way until I get married, but lately I’m a hard time saying no. There’s a lot of pressure, when I’m with my guy I want to but I know I shouldn’t. I just want to know why it has to be so hard!
Q: My boyfriend and I set clear boundaries, but over the last week we went past those boundaries, so now we’ve set even stricter ones. I’m scared that we’re going to go farther again….
Q: I need some advice from a Christian woman’s point of view. Do you think it’s wrong for me to be sexually physical with a guy that I really and truly think I love? The catch is that I have only been with him for 2 months. What’s your opinion?
Q: I am going to formal with a junior and I am a freshman. I think he is cool, but he told my brother that he wanted to do stuff with me that I don’t want to do.
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