Cool Stuff

One of my passions is to point you to other great resources to help you grow in your faith as God’s daughter. That’s one of the great things about God’s body of believers—we each have different talents and passions, and you and I get to benefit from the smorgasbord of cool Christian stuff out there.

Check out the Life, Love & God Pinterest boards. You’ll find links to great books for teen girls, Christian music, cute (modest!) clothes, and other randomly wonderful gems…

Fave Books for Teens

Listening to

Cool Website

Cute (and Modest) Clothes


Someday {Your} Prince Will Come

Jessie {Hearts} _______

Top Magazines

Naturally Beautiful

Formals: Classy & Beautiful


Q&A with Jessie

DISCLAIMER: This list is just to give you a place to start. I am not affiliated with all of these products or websites and can’t vouch for everything pinned here. Always read, watch and buy with discretion. Measure everything by God’s standard: the Bible!


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Welcome to Life, Love and God—a place for teen girls to find answers! I’m Jessie. Consider me a spiritual “big sis”—someone who cares a ton for you and wants to help you thrive!