Are You a Compliment Killer?
Q: What should I say when someone gives me a compliment?
Where Teen Girls Find Answers
Q: What should I say when someone gives me a compliment?
Q: What are your tips or advice for leading a biblical small group?
Q: My older sister thinks I shouldn’t wear leggings as pants. I see her point, but at the same time, is it really a big deal?
Q: How can I forgive myself for doing something I knew I shouldn’t have done and that has now caused me so much pain?
Q: Is listening to just regular music that big of a deal? Should I only listen to “Christian” music?
Q: How you know what God is calling you to do in your life? I know many people ask this, and no one can really give you a direct, “this is it” answer, but I’d love to hear your opinion on it.
Q: My boyfriend recently told me that he doesn’t know for sure if he believes in God….I want to help him, but I also understand that this is something between him and God.
Q: I was baptized when I was 8. Looking back, I don’t think I was even saved yet. Should I get baptized again?
Q: Last year my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer….How do I let her know that I’m here for her emotionally even though my own heart is broken?
Q: I’ve been struggling with doubt about my salvation and who God is. I feel terrible for it, but I just feel so…clouded.
Q: I’m doing Grant Horner’s Bible Study, I watch sermons all the time, and I’m always listening to my favorite Christian artists, but something just feels… missing. Do you have any suggestions on how to keep that mountaintop experience with God alive?
Q: Do you have any advice for dealing with legalism among my church friends?
Q: Ever since reading your book, I’ve realized that I have a similar passion for helping young girls going through middle school and high school grow confident as daughters of the King of Kings. I would love to be a Christian writer and speaker. Do you have any advice for getting a career like yours started?
Q: Some friends asked me to sing in their band. They’re not Christians though, and I’m not sure what to do….
Q: I know I should read my Bible, but it seems overwhelming and I never seem to have much time. Where should I start?
Q: I’m a ballerina, and I worry if I am showing too much. Is it okay to dance if I have to wear a leotard?
Q: I’ve decided that I don’t want to date, get married or have kids…. I really think that this is the best for me, but nobody else is ok with it. I don’t get it because it is my life.
Q: What should you do when you do something you know is wrong, and you want to resolve it with God, but for some reason you don’t even feel guilty about it?
Q: I don’t have the same passionate fire in my heart for God that I used to have. I believe He’s there, and I just yearn to feel His presence and I pray to be filled with His spirit, but I still feel so empty. What can I do to feel close to God again?
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