I’m Doubting My Faith
Q: I’ve been struggling with doubt about my salvation and who God is. I feel terrible for it, but I just feel so…clouded.
Where Teen Girls Find Answers
Q: I’ve been struggling with doubt about my salvation and who God is. I feel terrible for it, but I just feel so…clouded.
Q: I’m doing Grant Horner’s Bible Study, I watch sermons all the time, and I’m always listening to my favorite Christian artists, but something just feels… missing. Do you have any suggestions on how to keep that mountaintop experience with God alive?
Q: I don’t have the same passionate fire in my heart for God that I used to have. I believe He’s there, and I just yearn to feel His presence and I pray to be filled with His spirit, but I still feel so empty. What can I do to feel close to God again?
Q: I like a guy, but he’s Methodist and I’m Baptist. We haven’t really talked about religion much, except that we are both Christians. Do denomations make a difference? And what are the real differences between Methodists and Baptists?
Q: I’m having some trouble understanding what it says in Matthew 12:31-37, when Jesus talks about the “unforgivable sin.” I have a hard time understanding why God would choose to claim something as unforgivable….
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