Bitter at Being Replaced
Q: My boyfriend of two years broke up with me a few months ago….I feel so replaced and I’m struggling with hating her.
Where Teen Girls Find Answers
Q: My boyfriend of two years broke up with me a few months ago….I feel so replaced and I’m struggling with hating her.
Q: My best friend wants to date my ex boyfriend…. What do I do?
Q: One of my best friends just started dating the guy I like, despite of me and my feelings. I’m having a really hard time forgiving her for that!
Q: I broke up with my boyfriend and now he is dating my friend! Even though he is dating my friend, he still stares at me when I’m doing something (I know this because my friend told me). Does he still like me? If not why does he keep on staring at me?
Q: My mum and dad split up three days ago and I have cried nonstop ever since. My dad has moved out. I know my mum is having an affair. I confronted her and she’s still denying it. What should I do?
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