Is God Telling Me Something in My Dreams?
Q: The other night I had a dream that I got back together with my ex boyfriend…. Could God be trying to tell me something?
Where Teen Girls Find Answers
Q: The other night I had a dream that I got back together with my ex boyfriend…. Could God be trying to tell me something?
Q: God has blessed me in my single hood but I find it difficult at times to have pure, God-honoring thoughts! It’s easy to get distracted. How do I maintain mental and emotional purity as a spiritually maturing woman?
Q: I have best friend and her mother is very ill. She has cancer and they don’t know how long she has….What should I do?
Q: Recently I’ve been very apathetic and hopeless concerning my faith….I feel like I am losing Jesus.
Lately I have felt really lonely and my desire to have a boyfriend is growing. Is this just a phase, or is there something wrong with me?
Q: My friend isn’t really an atheist; she believes in a god, but just not our God. I want to bring her to God, but how?
Q: At your talk last week, you said you won’t shop at Victoria’s Secret. Why not? What’s the big deal?
Q: I know my mom supports my choice to follow the Lord. But the problem is, now she is abandoning her faith and I don’t know what to do.
Q: I feel as if the harder I try to be better and live my life for God, the more things fall apart. I can’t really sleep, and when I do I have stressful dreams and I wake up with a sore jaw from grinding my teeth. I don’t know what to do. I’m praying more than ever, but I still feel alone….
Q: My mum and dad split up three days ago and I have cried nonstop ever since. My dad has moved out. I know my mum is having an affair. I confronted her and she’s still denying it. What should I do?
Q: I keep wondering when I was really saved. It was a process for me, not a particular moment…
Q: How can I know God’s plan for my life? I’ve always felt that God was leading me to go to medical school, but recently I’ve started seriously thinking about…
Q: I like a guy, but he’s Methodist and I’m Baptist. We haven’t really talked about religion much, except that we are both Christians. Do denomations make a difference? And what are the real differences between Methodists and Baptists?
Q: My friend’s little brother just passed away, and she comes to me to talk about everything. How do I help her in this situation?
Q: I’m having some trouble understanding what it says in Matthew 12:31-37, when Jesus talks about the “unforgivable sin.” I have a hard time understanding why God would choose to claim something as unforgivable….
Q: My dad is Jewish and mom is Catholic. None of us go to church (or temple).My dad is against me being a Christian and going to church. I haven’t even told him that my life is dedicated to God….
Q: How do you get a guy to notice you? And how can you get him to like you?
Q: I need some advice from a Christian woman’s point of view. Do you think it’s wrong for me to be sexually physical with a guy that I really and truly think I love? The catch is that I have only been with him for 2 months. What’s your opinion?
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