4 {More} Instructions for Relationships
Q: Is courting the only way to honor God in a relationship? (Part 2)
Where Teen Girls Find Answers
Q: Is courting the only way to honor God in a relationship? (Part 2)
Q: Is courting the only way to honor God in a relationship?
Q: I’ve known in my heart that my boyfriend isn’t the one for me. I know it sounds simple—like, just break up with him—but how do I do this?
Q: There’s this guy I’ve had a crush on for a long time. How do I know if he likes me?
Q: Do you think it’s okay to be the only girl in a group of friends?
Q: There’s a guy I’m friends with, and I know he likes me, but I don’t like him in that way. How can I let him know I’m not interested in a relationship without hurting his feelings?
Q: How do you know who you really like? I think I like someone, but I also kinda like someone else.
Q: I’ve always felt like my boyfriend and I were meant to be together, but now I’m not so sure. How can you tell if you should still be in a relationship?
Q: My parents said I can’t date until I am 18, and even then I have to double-date! I don’t want to date behind their backs, but their rules feel so unfair. I don’t know what to do!
Q: My boyfriend recently told me that he doesn’t know for sure if he believes in God….I want to help him, but I also understand that this is something between him and God.
Q: I just got done reading your book, Unashamed, and it was all centered around God and how He can forgive us, but I honestly don’t think that He’d want to forgive me for all the things I’ve done…
Q: My crush texted me out of the blue. We talked all the time for like five weeks… but this week he hasn’t been responding to my texts like he used to. I’m just kind of lost as to why he’s not talking as much and the messages have pretty much stopped. What should I do?
Q: Is it really that big of a deal to be close friends with and have a crush on someone who isn’t a Christian if we don’t date?
Q: I was sitting near some guys at lunch and they were asking each other if they had lost their, um, “purity,” and who they lost it with. Why do guys brag about that and try to make it sound cool?
Q: My boyfriend of two years broke up with me a few months ago….I feel so replaced and I’m struggling with hating her.
Q: My best friend wants to date my ex boyfriend…. What do I do?
Q: I am in love with my best friend…. Should I tell him how I feel?
Q: I’ve liked this guy for over a year. I know he doesn’t like me, so I don’t want to like him either, but it seems my attraction to him just keeps growing and growing. What can I do to stop liking him?
Q: My ex is still crazy about me, and now he’s really depressed, anorexic and wears nothing but black. I just want to help, but I’m dating someone else now. I’ve been praying and praying about it, but what can I do?
Q: My boyfriend and I met at Bible college, and this summer of long distance has been harder than I thought it would be. How can our relationship survive?
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