Does He Like Me?

He’s Sending Me Mixed Signals

Q: My crush texted me out of the blue. We talked all the time for like five weeks… but this week he hasn’t been responding to my texts like he used to. I’m just kind of lost as to why he’s not talking as much and the messages have pretty much stopped. What should I do?

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He’s Slipping Through My Fingers

Q: I like this Christian guy who said he likes me back, but lately he doesn’t seem to anymore. Something tells me not to give up; I don’t want to lose a good thing. But it hurts so bad to keep trying for him, not knowing if he still cares. What should I do?

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No Text = Depressed

Q: I always get depressed when my crush doesn’t text me, which makes me feel too clingy and insecure….Do you have any advice that will help me from feeling this way?

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Does He Still Like Me?

Q: I broke up with my boyfriend and now he is dating my friend! Even though he is dating my friend, he still stares at me when I’m doing something (I know this because my friend told me). Does he still like me? If not why does he keep on staring at me?

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Welcome to Life, Love and God—a place for teen girls to find answers! I’m Jessie. Consider me a spiritual “big sis”—someone who cares a ton for you and wants to help you thrive!