How Can I Forgive Myself?
Q: How can I forgive myself for doing something I knew I shouldn’t have done and that has now caused me so much pain?
Where Teen Girls Find Answers
Q: How can I forgive myself for doing something I knew I shouldn’t have done and that has now caused me so much pain?
Q: Is listening to just regular music that big of a deal? Should I only listen to “Christian” music?
Q: My ex is still crazy about me, and now he’s really depressed, anorexic and wears nothing but black. I just want to help, but I’m dating someone else now. I’ve been praying and praying about it, but what can I do?
Q: It seems like me and my adoptive mom fight all the time. I feel broken down about it, depressed, and it even gets in the way of school. What can I do to fix things?
Q: My boyfriend of six months broke up with me about two months ago, and I just can’t seem to get my life back together! …He seems just fine, which hurts worse! What should I do?
Q: My bf lives far away and he has been feeling very depressed. He sleeps all day, won’t answer my video chat invites, and is always mad at people. He said he didn’t want to get me in to his problems because he doesn’t want to hurt me. What should I do?
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