How Can I Help My Brother?
Q: My older bother is in a bad relationship. He knows she is mentally abusing him, but he lets her walk all over him anyway….How can I help him and not give up on him?
Where Teen Girls Find Answers
Q: My older bother is in a bad relationship. He knows she is mentally abusing him, but he lets her walk all over him anyway….How can I help him and not give up on him?
Q: Last year my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer….How do I let her know that I’m here for her emotionally even though my own heart is broken?
Q: I literally have panic attacks about leaving home. I have two years left before college and I am SO scared!
Q: It seems like me and my adoptive mom fight all the time. I feel broken down about it, depressed, and it even gets in the way of school. What can I do to fix things?
Q: Why do everyone else’s parents seem way cooler than mine? People like my parents better than their own as well. Do all kids feel that way?
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