My Family Is a Mess
Q: My family is a mess. It seems like we all hate each other….
Where Teen Girls Find Answers
Q: My family is a mess. It seems like we all hate each other….
Q: What are your tips or advice for leading a biblical small group?
Q: How can I forgive myself for doing something I knew I shouldn’t have done and that has now caused me so much pain?
Q: Is listening to just regular music that big of a deal? Should I only listen to “Christian” music?
Q: I have stopped cutting and purging, but I still struggle with body image quite severely. Is there any way I can learn to like my body?
Q: How you know what God is calling you to do in your life? I know many people ask this, and no one can really give you a direct, “this is it” answer, but I’d love to hear your opinion on it.
Q: My boyfriend recently told me that he doesn’t know for sure if he believes in God….I want to help him, but I also understand that this is something between him and God.
Q: I just got done reading your book, Unashamed, and it was all centered around God and how He can forgive us, but I honestly don’t think that He’d want to forgive me for all the things I’ve done…
Q: I was baptized when I was 8. Looking back, I don’t think I was even saved yet. Should I get baptized again?
Q: I’ve been struggling with doubt about my salvation and who God is. I feel terrible for it, but I just feel so…clouded.
Q: I’ve liked this guy for over a year. I know he doesn’t like me, so I don’t want to like him either, but it seems my attraction to him just keeps growing and growing. What can I do to stop liking him?
Q: Are crushes okay? How far is too far when it comes to liking someone?
Q: I’m going on a trip to Mexico, and I know all of my friends will be wearing bikinis. I’m not sure what kind of swimsuit to wear because I want to honor God, my future husband, and my Christian brothers, but I don’t want to seem self-righteous either. Any suggestions?
Q: Ever since reading your book, I’ve realized that I have a similar passion for helping young girls going through middle school and high school grow confident as daughters of the King of Kings. I would love to be a Christian writer and speaker. Do you have any advice for getting a career like yours started?
Q: Some friends asked me to sing in their band. They’re not Christians though, and I’m not sure what to do….
Q: Is masturbation wrong? My new friends who are also Christians say no because it’s not having sex.
Q: I know I should read my Bible, but it seems overwhelming and I never seem to have much time. Where should I start?
Q: I’ve decided that I don’t want to date, get married or have kids…. I really think that this is the best for me, but nobody else is ok with it. I don’t get it because it is my life.
Q: What should you do when you do something you know is wrong, and you want to resolve it with God, but for some reason you don’t even feel guilty about it?
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